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台中旧城单车巡礼 Cycling in Taichung


桔子商旅台中公园店正处于台中旧城区的中心,面对着台中最大的台中公园,是探索台中的最佳起点,来跟我们一起骑乘 ,来场台中旧城的深度之旅。

  1. 福泰桔子商旅-台中公园店
    40046 台中市中区公园路 17 号
  2. 台中公园
    40046 台中市北区双十路一段 65 号
    Taichung Park is the oldest park in Taichung city; built in the Japanese-ruling era and with a space of 10 acres. In the center of Taichung Park is Houxing Pavilion, was constructed in 1908 in celebration of the launch of the Taiwan Railway stretching from north to south in Taiwan. Houxing Pavilion has also been officially declared as a city-designated historical site in 1999.

  3. 彰化银行
    40045 台中市中区自由路二段 38 号
    Chang Hwa Bank was built in 1938. The architectural style was deeply influenced by the classic European style bank. It is well preserved and provides a vivid picture of the life of Taiwan in 30's and 40’s.

  4. 全安堂 – 台湾太阳饼博物馆
    40045 台中市中区台湾大道一段 145 号
    Quan-An Hall was a Chinese medicine hospital opened in Japanese-ruling era. Nowadays, it transformed into Taiwan Museum of Suncake; telling the 60-year history of Suncake.

  5. 大墩社 – 中区再生基地
    40042 台中市中区中山路 69 号
    The building originally is the first First Bank in Taichung, which stands in the Central District, the old town of Taichung. In order to regain the old town's glory, Gooddot Village was established. In here, you can see the past, the present and the future of Taichung City.

  6. 台中市役所
    40341 台中市西区民权路 97 号
    The Taichung Shiyakusho, completed in 1911, was the first to use iron-reinforced concrete as a technique for constructing building structures in Taichung. After being taken over by Rose House Group in 2016, Taichung Shiyakusho has now become a new favorite spot of Taichung locals.

  7. 台中州厅
    40341 台中市西区民权路99号
    Taichung Prefecture Hall served as Taichung City Hall for more tha a hundred years from Japanese-ruling era till 2010, and still houses the municipal Environmental Protection Bureau.

  8. 道禾六艺文化馆
    40345 台中市西区林森路 33 号
    The historical building the Budokan Martial Arts Hall was where prison wardens and police during the Japanese colonial period would practice judo and kendo. It reopened in 2011, there are various artifacts like tea utensils, paintings and archery equipment on display, which were used to develop the practice of the six Confucian arts.

  9. 国立台中美术馆
    40359 台中市西区五权西路一段 2 号
    The National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts was founded in 1988. Its aims are: to organize the most diverse range of themed visual art exhibitions, to foster long-term art exchanges with overseas institutions, to actively participate in major international events, to promote art education, and to provide the public with a pleasing and multi-faceted environment for viewing art.

  10. 审计新村
    In Shen Ji New Village, there were plenty dormitories for governors. In 2015, Taichung Government starts a “Reaching Stars Plan” to use those old dormitories as a foundation to assist youths in Taichung to set up their own business.

  11. 草悟道
    Calligraphy Greenway comes in 3.6 kilometers, ranging north from National Museum of Natural Science to National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts in the south. Along the stripped space, Civil Square, Park Lane by CMP, gallery space, and food court are gathered here to offer a variety of events, upbeat spirits, and fun in all forms.

  12. 勤美 诚品绿园道
    40360 台中市西区公益路 68 号
    勤美 诚品绿园道是位在西区公益路与草悟道旁的购物商场。这是台湾第一座大型植生墙,外墙上总共有 12 万颗植栽自然生长,这些植栽每天能吸收 200 公斤的二氧化碳,释放 150 公斤的氧气,在夏天还能有降温节电的效果。
    Park Lane by CMP is a shopping mall located at the intersection of Gongyi Road and Calligraphy Greenway. It owns the largest green wall in Taiwan with 120 thousands plants growing on it. Those plants absorb 200 kilogram carbon dioxide and release 150 kilogram oxygen each day.

  13. 国立自然科学博物馆
    40453 台中市北区馆前路 1 号
    The Museum had its grand opening in 1986. It is the largest recreational and educational center in the country and it is the best-equipped museum.

  14. 中正公园 & 中山堂
    40454 台中市北区学士路 98 号
    Chung Cheng Park opened in 1977 with a space of 7.5 hectares. Chung Shan Hall with 1692 seats, in Chung Cheng Park, is the most well equipped theater in the central of Taiwan. It is one of the major venues for all concerts, events, and all kinds of shows.

  15. 一中街商圈
    Yizhong Street Business District is the area in between National Taichung University of Science and Technology and National Taichung First Senior High School. There are many schools in the surrounding area. Yizhong Street Business District became the most popular place for students. You can find many street food, bubble tea and fashion stores.






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